
Vreta Kluster
Klustervägen 11
590 76 Vreta Kloster

Vreta Kluster is located about 15 minutes northwest of Linköping.

If you arrive from route E4

Take exit 73 towards Motala (route 34), thereafter the first exit to Cloetta, Ljungsbro. Turn left at the first roundabout. To find the entrance you drive past Vreta Kluster and enter at the Vreta Gymnasium. Then, turn left again and go back to the cluster.

If you arrive from Motala

Turn left at Fornåsa Korset, signposted Ljungsbro. Turn right towards Vreta Gymnasium, then turn left and proceed to the cluster buildings.

If you arrive by plane or train to Linköping

Take a taxi to Vreta Kluster, Klustervägen 11, Vreta Kloster. If you want to take the bus: Take bus 520 or 62 to the station called Vretagymnasiet. Timetables at

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